Social Media Image Size Guide

Social media is ever changing.  And it can be incredibly frustrating and overwhelming when you are first starting out. From know what to post, when is the right time to post on different platforms, to what size of images you should be using. People are drawn to images, and obviously good images.  If your social media include pixelated…

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4 Things Your Designer Should be Asking You

There are so many posts out there that go into detail about different questions that you should be asking your designer before you hire them.  And although, that is a great topic and I do plan on covering that in the future today I want to touch on things 4 things your designer should be…

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Create a Moodboard

Everyone loves a nice, pretty moodboard but many people do not understand why it is so vital to the design process. You can use a moodboard for any project that you need inspiration on – branding, wedding, house renovations, even birthday parties. But today I am touching on why I create a mood board for…

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3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Have a Well Designed Website

Let’s do a simple experiment, shall we?  Head over to Google and type in a term that you are interested in or something you currently need information.  Click on a link that appears to provide what you need. Now, answer a few simple questions.  Is it easy to navigate?  Is it difficult?  Did you find what…

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Finding Your Niche

One of the best pieces of advice that I received is “find your niche in your industry”.  When you start off you want to serve everyone, because lets be real – you want to make money and you want to make money fast.  When you serve everyone, you serve no-one. By finding your niche you…

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